Steve Jobs is against DRMs too?

I just read a fascinating column by Steve Jobs. Addressing the anger over the Apple DRM system, Jobs explains why the system is in place and what the three alternatives are. To summarize:

1. Continue as we are: “each manufacturer competing freely with their own “top to bottom” proprietary systems for selling, playing and protecting music”.
Pros: Competition is good, it’s what capitalism is based on, and it will continue to provide consumers with choice and innovation.
Cons: We continue to be relatively locked to whatever mp3 player we happened to buy (*cough*Zune*cough).

2. Apple liscenses out it’s DRM technology, allowing users to buy their music from any online store and play it on any player.
Pros: Apple would receive a small fee for the technology, and consumers would no longer be locked to their hardware purchases.
Cons: With wider knowledge of the DRM technology, there is bound to be a leak that will compromise the system and upset the record companies (thereby halting all online sales).

3. Abolish DRM’s and let the music free.
Pros: The ability for smaller, innovative startups to compete in the online music market (see Amie St for an example), potentially creating more sales for the record companies. Oh, and we can do whatever we want with the music we buy with our own money.
Cons: Er…well, there are only cons for the record companies, who could potentially lose lots of money to music sharing. At this point they would either have to downgrade the plating on their toilets from gold to silver, or pay the musicians even less. I’m guessing they would choose the latter.

What does Jobs propose we do to acheive #3 (more likely than #2 and better than #1)? Convince the record companies. Once they’re convinced, he claims Apple will happily discard DRMs and come over to your house and trade some music with you, as long as you promise to let them play your Xbox for a bit and not tell anyone about it.

I’m extremely appreciative of Job’s candor here, and I understand that he’s running a highly competitive business. However, the end of this article does not exactly imbue me with hope and excitement. Convince the record companies? When has that ever worked? And is it at all reasonable to expect the millions of casual music downloaders (who don’t know a DRM from a BMW) that they should picket in front of Universal and stop their download of the new Norah Jones album? Not really.

I’m not sure who to put the responsibility on…I suppose Jobs could stand up and say “No more DRMs.” to the record companies. He certaintly has balls to write this public column that essentially condemns the record industry. And he has significant power, considering iPod’s are the top-selling mp3 player and Apple has such a loyal consumer base.
But if Jobs did put his foot down and the record companies refused to continue working with Apple, I somehow doubt the consumer feeling towards Jobs would be rosy. He’s in a tough spot.

The artists won’t be any help. It’s hard enough actually making money that you don’t owe to the record company as a successful band (See “So You Wanna Be A Rock’n’Roll Star?” for a great example of how a wildly successful album and quick rise to stardom do nothing to elminate your debt). And those that have been financially successful haven’t exactly been clamoring for DRM-free music (*sneeze*Lars Ulrich*sneeze*).

My conclusion? We’re not going anywhere for now, unless a big gun steps up to the plate or the rest of us get off our oh-well-I’m-going-to-burn-this-from-my-friend-anyway and what’s-a-DRM butts and picket. But it’s good to know that Jobs hears us and is not using DRM’s just to make us unhappy (that’s more like something Bill Gates or Carl Rove would do).

I welcome any suggestions that would put us in a better situation than the one I just suggested. Until then, invest in some Apple stock!

evan at flock dot com

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Get your marketing out of my community

I just read a great blog by Tara Hunt. It’s a cool article (on a great site), but it really worried me. This is exactly what scares me about the Community Ambassador position: that I’m going to be asked to do something to promote the product that is not in the interest of the community. I’ve been there (it’s called retail) and I don’t want to go back.

“Community has turned into a garish buzzword, leading hungry marketers by the snoot down a new path of public/commercial boundaries being crossed.”

Will Pate and I were just talking about Community as a bad word today. We’re trying to choose the name for the next version of the page currently called “Participate”. I’m against using participate (it brings to mind memories of “Participation is 20% of your grade”), but I’m nervous about using the word community. Do we have a community? Yes…a small but dedicated community. Why do we put so much emphasis on it? Mainly because it helps to drive quality in the product and support, and because it makes Flock that much more fun to use and talk about. But is part of it because we (and/or the higher ups) think community sells?

This section of Tara’s article defined what we need to be doing:

“We have to be willing to lose ourselves to the community. We need to become community advocates. We need to reverse the line of communication and bring word back to our bosses and our clients that their products are hurting the environment, exploiting labor, not acceptable to be tested on animals, falling apart, causing addiction, causing health issues, hurting our children, driving us further apart, etc.”

This is totally true. This is my goal. This is Will Pate’s goal. It’s probably unacheivable in any company without getting fired, but we’ll try.

Don’t get me wrong: I think Flock is headed in a great direction. I’m not concerned about Flock specifically so much as the general direction of Community/Company interaction. The most wonderful thing is occuring right now: companies are finally noticing their customers and even interacting with them via blogs and the like. We just have to be careful that this communication stays open and honest and does not become yet another vehicle for overzealous and heavy-handed marketing (see all the MySpace spam accounts as an example).

Here’s hoping we can win the fight, at least at our small level. Keep telling me what you like about Flock. Keep telling me what you dislike about Flock. Keep telling me what’s important in your world and what should be important in mine. Keep telling me about cool stuff you found on Digg (though I probably already saw it because I’m addicted to Digg). If we listen to each other, we can do more than create a great product: we can create an awesome community that is more than a marketing ploy. And wouldn’t that be fun?

evan at flock dot com

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If I see another person call Firefox “Foxfire” I might explode. It’s not any sort of honor thing, it’s just a really annoying name.

I suppose that’s all relative though…Radiohead is a terrible name, but when I hear it I get excited. Monsters are not Myths is probably a bad name, but I associate with it. Hell, Microsoft is a bad name. It doesn’t matter as long as it gets stuck in your head.

In any case, don’t call it Foxfire or I will explode like the Stay-Puff’d Marshmallow man in Ghostbusters.


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Recording demos

Monsters are not Myths headed into a pint-sized practice space to record some demos this weekend.  We could barely move, but we got some good stuff I think. 3 songs in 5 hours is pretty impressive considering we’ve played with this drummer (Nate Brown) about 8 times total.

It’s always a bit weird for me to go through the first round of recording; aside from some keyboard work, I basically just give the rest of the band signals when we hit the chorus (choruses?  chorii?).  I didn’t do any singing…the bulk of my work lies before me. I don’t look forward to trying to recreate the energy of a live experience while listening to the tracks on headphones.

For those who’ve been to shows lately, you’ve heard the songs we committed to tape: Sunday Morning Nightmare, Stop (Singing Those Songs), Bits of Sins, and Addiction (which still needs to be renamed, if anyone has any ideas…perhaps I’ll post the lyrics later).  We miced the amps, put one mic above the drums, and then set up this cheap mic we got at a garage sale in the middle of the room.  We didn’t expect much of it (when we’ve recorded vocals into it before they come out scratchy and quiet), but it actually gave us a great ambient room sound.  When we took it out of the mix everything became a lot duller.  Who knew?

As vocals still need to be recorded, these tracks probably won’t surface for a few weeks.  In the meantime, check out the photos on my flickr.


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Amie Street

Amie Street, as reported on techcrunch, seems to be taking the high road in mp3 sales.  This is an amazing system designed to help independent bands sell their mp3’s.  Here’s how it works:

-Upload your songs
-Encourage people to download them for free
-As your tracks (hopefully) gain in popularity your prices are driven higher (with a 99cent cap).
-You get featured with other popular indie bands as your popularity grows even more.
-You keep 70% of revenues after the first $5, which is more than even the most popular bands get via record sales OR iTunes (though I think as an indie band, my band makes more like 60% from iTunes).

The greatest part about all this is that these are DRM-free mp3’s, which means you can upload to and play them on anything (unlike those pesky iTunes mp3’s, which only work on your iPod and start at 99cents).  I’m a firm believer in this, and so are most indie bands (we want that whole “viral” thing to work for our music…it’s not worth 99cents to deny someone that).

This isn’t to say that I don’t love my iPod nano. My band has it’s songs on iTunes; it’s where the business is. Do we get many purchases that way? No. This system definetly has potential. Will I put Monsters are not Myths‘ tracks on Amie Street? Not yet.
I think this is a great system, but for a very small and independent band like mine, I’m worried that our tracks never reach a popularity/price where we can make a profit. And with that alternative, we’ll get 0 downloads on iTunes. The alternative is selling mp3s on MySpace, which kind of makes me feel dirty inside (considering that MySpace is notoriously unstable and unsafe).

I’m not happy with our current situation, but I’m not convinced Amie Street is right for me (though I think it’ll be great for a bunch of indie musicians). I will be keeping a close eye on Amie Street and MySpace and returning to this debate in time.


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