All I Want For Christmas Is To Be Left Alone

Ok, maybe that’s a bit harsh. But still, I’m frustrated.

I’ve spent the last few weeks (and will spend the next few) thinking up nice, original presents for friends and family. A silly DVD set for one friend, a mini-keg of Root Beer for my brother (don’t read this, Curran). Although it is work, I enjoy it because it’s worth them getting something they they truly like.

I appreciate this treatment as well…I’d much rather be surprised than get something that is “exactly” what I want…most of the time “exactly” is actually “approximately” and requires numerous trips to the store to return and exchange stuff.

I respect that many people don’t have the time/interest/capability to come up with a unique and fulfilling present, especially family (after all, presents from family are required, whereas they’re opted into with friends). I usually try to come up with a short list of things I would like that I wouldn’t buy myself. This year, there’s just one thing on that list: A Nintendo Wii.

I used to be a big-time gamer (even developed levels for Myth II), but I have since run out of time and money to keep up with games. However, the Wii really eliminates the time factor. I’ve played it a few times and it’s easy to pick up, play with friends, and have a great short session (unlike the long shooters and strategy games I played back in the day). I’m not going to buy it for myself; I need to save money and any splurging goes towards instruments for Monsters are not Myths or brief vacations. Thus, it is a perfect gift.

I understand that the Wii is not cheap, but my birthday is right after Christmas and I figured all the family presents could combine into it. If not, that’s fine…find out where you can find a Wii and give some gift certificates.

However, this seems not to be the case and I’m now being hounded for more present ideas from my own family. As stated above, I ALREADY spent my creative juices figuring out presents for THEM.

In short, I don’t care anymore. What I want is to be left alone. I spend enough time working at work and on music that I should not need to spend time coming up with my own present. If they can’t, then my present should be not having to deal with the hassle of presents. Honestly, that would be fine with me. Let me enjoy the holidays and give presents without having to write even one more Christmas list or go to any stores to return lame presents. Give me the gift of not having to be stressed about a PRESENT for MYSELF.

Merry Christmas.

Update: My friend Victoria Potter just wrote a great post looking at the larger, less selfish picture of why Christmas/December is no longer cool. Scope it on her blog.

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Defending the Community Ambassador

I just wrote the following frenzy of text after reading this on Kevin Gamble’s blog:

“It’s not a community if everyone doesn’t feel free to participate as an equal. As soon as you make this someone’s job you devalue the contributions of everyone.”

I think the heart of Kevin’s post is in the exact right place. However, I think it’s entirely incorrect to say that making community work someone’s job devalues it; it doesn’t change the value at all, it just focuses it in a more useful way for the company.  While Kevin’s “conversational” aspiration is fantastic (and I think can be part of the community job), I think it’s idealistic to think that almost any company can have their best possible relationship with their community without someone focusing on it, at least part time.

For the record, a few things: I work at Flock as a Community Ambassador.  I am certainly biased.  I will refer to the position that we’re discussing here as Community Ambassador, but it has also been called Community Advocate/Evangelist/Manager (I’ll state my take on the “Manager” title later in the post).  I think Kevin’s heart is in the right place, but I truly believe in this position.

Here’s why this job is important:

Community is important
I don’t think Kevin denies this, but I think it’s important to state: your community is what keeps your company afloat, and (hopefully) the goal of your company was and is to make the lives of your community better in some way.  If you don’t listen to your community, you are either going to fail or you will have to get very lucky.  Methods may differ, but for the most part you’ll find that successful companies listen to their community.

Companies are not inclined to state what they’re doing
Companies like to have big unveilings, to surprise their audience, and (frankly) to keep their ideas secret so they don’t get ripped off. Communication between releases is not in their nature. However, it is part of human nature to want to know what’s going on and part of human nature to talk about things they’re excited about.  I know people who are just short of physically upset when they don’t know what Flock is up to, even if it’s as simple as “planning our holiday party”. I mentioned our new Twitter account on our blog last week and within 5 hours more than 70 people had started following it. People want to know what’s going on, and employees want to talk about it…but companies are built by default not to do this. Unless you’re blessed with an executive staff that is open-minded AND takes the initiative to make the time to write and/or approve posts, this isn’t going to happen on it’s own.

Customer feedback is, by it’s nature, raw and biased
Of course my feedback about a product I use is going to be biased…I bought it for me, and it should work for me! But how is Apple supposed to treat my feedback that the new iPod Nano doesn’t fit in the mini-pocket of my jeans? Alongside (probably) millions of other pieces of feedback, where does this factor in? Again, time becomes an issue: does Jobs have time to read and absorb all this feedback and do his regular work?  Unlikely. While I’m fully in support of employees at all levels of a company reading community feedback (which we do at Flock, from QA to CEO), it’s unrealistic to count on this. Having a Community Ambassador to absorb, categorize, and interpret this feedback is key. Nobody at Flock would have guessed that Picasa was important to our community, but through gradual collection of votes (on our site, blogs, and via direct feedback) it became clear that Picasa integration is much more important to our existing community than any other service.

That said, I totally agree that the Community Ambassador should not be the single point of failure. Going back to the point about feedback being biased….even if 20 angry people like me write to Apple asking for iPod Nanos that fit our mini-pockets, that’s ignoring the millions of people who don’t care or even like the size. Both the Community Ambassador and the company they work for must take this all into consideration. User testing should be done, and ideas from directly within the company shouldn’t take backseat to community feedback…they should ride together, as equally viable ideas.

People like to get pumped
I understand where the inclination to stay “hands off” of evangelism comes from. Nothing is grosser than an employee (especially an executive!) putting on a big fake smile and blabbing on about how great the latest product is. However, I think that if you accomplish what Jeremiah suggests in his post on the topic, you are part of your community as much as your company. Once you are a legitimate part of your community, you are taken seriously by them (though you can easily compromise this by not being honest). If you truly are excited about your product (which you should be, or you should get a new job), you should express this to the people whom you know are excited about your product. If I care about, say, the band Queens of the Stone Age, I might join their Street Team or mailing list. If their Community Ambassador then contacts me telling me about how awesome the new album is (especially if it’s “insider” news), I’m going to be stoked! If he tells me they’re going on a new tour that is going to be wild and crazy and gives me the link to buy tickets, I’m not going to feel advertised to…I’m going to click that link and look at the tour dates! It’s all about being honest and genuine and only evangelizing to those who opt-in in some way.

Everybody should be part-time Community Ambassador
I agree with Kevin…the position of Community Ambassador absolutely does not absolve anyone in the organization of interaction with the community. As we do at Flock, the executives should blog, read feedback, respond to customers, and meet the community. This is essential to your organization, and the position of Community Ambassador should not affect this one way or another.

In the end, I understand where these anti-Community Ambassador posts come from. The position is often called Community Manager, which is a gross mischaracterization and invokes scary undertones. Many people claim to be interested in “community”, but describe it as a sort of asset (“Oh yeah, we got one of them community things. I hear they’re good for business.”) And the intrusive, look-we’re-cool-too style of advertising is so pervasive that it makes me physically angry when I hear a 40-year-old on the radio talk about how “sweet” and “stylin'” you’ll be with some “urban groove” on your “sweet mp3 player”. That is not community work…that is lame, dishonest advertising. The Community Ambassador is not an advertiser…he/she is simultaneously a member of the company and the community, and the guide for communication between them. He/she is not the be-all, end-all. He/she is not the single point of communication. He/she is not always right. He/she is just helping the flow of communication between those who make and those who use a product.  And if that’s not an important role, I don’t know what is.

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Song Review: Wilco’s "Company In My Back”

I was driving into work at Flock today, listening to Wilco’s album A Ghost is Born, and “Company In My Back” came on. I’ve listened to this album several times, but I received it from a friend along with three other Wilco albums, so I haven’t truly absorbed it yet. “Company In My Back” felt so right this morning that I had to give it a review of it’s own.

At the start of this song you can hear what was likely the folky riff that the song originated from. In true form, Wilco has taken this to a totally different place, using rhythmic breaks to make this intro as poppy as it is folky. It’s totally familiar and different at the same time.

Instead of committing to one of these styles, the verse launches with bass as the primary instrument. Acoustic guitar strumming and riffs compliment this bassline, but float between styles successfully, making the focus of the verse the vocals. Which is appropriate, considering the ugly, lustful lyrics that somehow also border on beautiful with Tweedy’s soft, unconcerned voice.

I attack with you, pure bug beauty
I curl my lips and crawl up to you
And your afternoon
And I’ve been puking

The chorus, rather than continuing to be subversively vague, hits full force with a confident drumbeat and the revelatory (but not really) lyric of “Holy shit there’s a company in my back”. We barely get a sense of the fantastic chorus melody before we’re dropped back into the verse, this time with a more solid rhythm and some sustained chords on the piano. The melody varies a bit here, which keeps us from getting bored.

The second chorus hits with even more force, and the full beauty of the melody becomes more apparent, backed by an orchestra of what I think are mandolins. The beauty of the melody should clash with the dark wording of the chorus, but it doesn’t. Instead, I hear the beauty of how screwed up life can be.

The third verse continues to play with our perceptions of what this song is, throwing in a synth riff that could just as well be in a Madonna song.

The final chorus leaves us with one last taste of that brilliant chorus melody and then dissolves into genre-crossing instrumentation that ends with that incredibly unique and compelling intro riff. I’m happy at the end of this song, but not satisfied. I want that chorus melody to go on and on, backed by a million clinking mandolins. And in a way, it does…you walk through the rest of your day with that orchestra right behind you, making the sorry state of the world something to appreciate just as much as the good things in life.

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BarCampBlock 2007 Photoessay

I don’t have the time to create a big writeup, and I’m sure most of it has been said already. BarCampBlock 2007 (for the time I was able to attend) was really fun and informative. Aside from some bottlenecks around the Socialtext offices, it seemed to go off without a hitch. I had a great time and can’t wait for the next one. Thanks to the sponsors!

A session on Microformats. If you look closely you can see folks from Songbird and Flock.

The floor at IDEO.

The obligatory crowd shot.

The bathroom signs at Socialtext.

The remains of lunch, sponsored by Google.

The wall of schedules.

Find the rest of the photos I took at my Flickr. If you see yourself or someone you know in these shots, add a note, tag or comment!

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